Become a sales master and boost your sales results immediatly ...
The ‘$ale$ Performance$ $ystem’ is based on the principles that these techniques for persuasive communication are only to be used when the salesperson has legitimate reasons to expect that the buyer will be happy and satisfied with the purchase, also in retrospective.
This development program literary BULKS of sales knowledge and sales techniques. It empowers the principle that selling is a continuous process, not a one time event. The partner exercises, team games and group discussions assure that learning will be enjoyable with lasting resulsts.
Program content overview:
The right mindset and attitude
Let’s question our profession: what is a sales professional? Is it a person of integrity? What does it mean, to be a professional, and are you one? What’s the difference between manipulation and motivation? Exactly how good are you and where can you improve? A test. And a lot of stories.
The $ale$ Performane$ $ystem
The acronym ‘PerformanceS’ stands for a system that every salesperson can use, no matter what product or service she or he is selling, no matter if it’s business to business or direct sales to consumers. This is what it stands for:Preparation
Find a way to get in contact
Oriëntation of needs
Relating to the needs
Make your presentation
Notate that order
Conflict and objection handling
Extending sales oppurtunities
Service and afterservice
Let’s go trough the entire system, step by step
Ofcourse we’ll go trough the entire system, step by step. Taking time to explore every part indepth and learn the importace of every part in the right sequence. You’ll learn the psychology behind every part, both from the sales person’s perspective as from the perspective of the cliënt.
Will I learn ... ? YES!